I've had a really hard time dealing with the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting...It really hit close to home when I have a little seven year old brother at home who I walk into school every morning and let him on his way to his class, where he should feel the safest. I cannot image the pain those families are going through right now. Those poor babies..their innocent little lives, taken from them, from such a scary, horrible man. I just keep wondering what they were thinking when their own classmates lives were taken right in front of their little eyes. How scared they were? Were they screaming for their mommies and daddys? I just don't understand why someone could ever do something so horrible. The past couple of days I haven't been able to fall asleep. I just lay there thinking of how lucky I am to be able to say I am 17 years old, and to have such a healthy and beautiful family. This really makes me realize to not take anything for granted and realize anything can happen.
Newtown has about 2,000 people, the same exact as my little town in MI. Little communities like mine and Newtown are supposed to be the safest, everyone knows everyone..Nobody would ever want to hurt each other..but I guess I need to not be so vulnerable, and remember that anything can happen. I just pray every night for these families, and I hope that someday they will be able to move forward and just think of the great impact their babies had on this world...We now have 26 beautiful angels looking down on us.
^^^My amazing baby brother..