Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Graduation & Brody Strong!

So I know I said a long time ago that I would post pictures from my grad party...so here they areeeee! Yeah yeah i know its been like weeks. shhh! I'm not very good at this! 
Graduation has come and gone and now I'm just working, babysitting and getting tan BURNT :( 
An older guy came into my work and told me that if it was christmas time I could be making some money....is that is hint toward i could play Rudolph!? Also I had orientation last week, and it was sooo boring...did i say i cant believe i'm going to college...

Some things I would like to share:

Parker enlisted in the military today...Eeekk..:/
He leaves for basic training September 3rd.. that is going to be a looooong 4 months..

Our close friends little boy has recently been diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor..please PRAY PRAY PRAY and stay BRODY STRONG!

please "Like" there facebook page if you could

^^^^ dessert table :)))

I decided to sway away from the normal "picture boards" and found these adorable teeny clothespins and hung up my pictures with those on some twine!

^^ my mom handmade this banner with my great-grandmothers sheets!

My daddy-o and I before graduation!

^^^ I DID IT!! :)

love this guy ;)

Graduation & Brody Strong!

So I know I said a long time ago that I would post pictures from my grad party...so here they areeeee! Yeah yeah i know its been like weeks. shhh! I'm not very good at this! 
Graduation has come and gone and now I'm just working, babysitting and getting tan BURNT :( 
An older guy came into my work and told me that if it was christmas time I could be making some money....is that is hint toward i could play Rudolph!? Also I had orientation last week, and it was sooo boring...did i say i cant believe i'm going to college...

Some things I would like to share:

Parker enlisted in the military today...Eeekk..:/
He leaves for basic training September 3rd.. that is going to be a looooong 4 months..

Our close friends little boy has recently been diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor..please PRAY PRAY PRAY and stay BRODY STRONG!

please "Like" there facebook page if you could

^^^^ dessert table :)))

I decided to sway away from the normal "picture boards" and found these adorable teeny clothespins and hung up my pictures with those on some twine!

^^ my mom handmade this banner with my great-grandmothers sheets!

My daddy-o and I before graduation!

^^^ I DID IT!! :)

love this guy ;)